Mike Myers nya gubbe
Han har gjort rösten till träsktrollet Shrek i tre filmer. Han har gestaltat sexfixerade retroagenten Austin Powers i lika många rullar. Härnäst dyker Mike Myers upp i ”The Love Guru” där han gestaltar en kanadensare som växer upp i Indien och blir knasig kärleksguru.
Så här kommenterar Myers filmprocessen:
"On the average, I take 3 or 4 years between movies because I create them, write them, then produce them, and then I film them. In two months, I'm starting a film called 'The Love Guru' that I've spent the last two and a half years developing. I came up with this character, and I began touring it in little theaters in New York, just having secret shows. The Marks brothers used to tour their movies before a year of it. I did this same process with Austin Powers; in the last three years, I've been developing 'The Love Guru.' The average movie takes 6.0 months for a 'hmm, could this be a movie adapted to the screen?' I tend to take about 36 months, but I am there all 36 months."
Biopremiären äger rum om ett år, sommaren 2008.