Michael Caine hyllar Heath Ledgers Joker
Butlern Alfred, ursäkta Michael Caine uttryckte nyligen sin beundran för Heath Ledgers tolkning av Jokern i den kommande "The Dark Knight". Förväntningar inför filmen ökar hela tiden eller vad sägs om det här:
"I tell you the big surprise in the new 'Batman' -- Heath Ledger as the Joker. He's fantastic. He's gone in a different direction than Jack (Nicholson) ... Jack was like a really scary old, nasty old uncle with a funny face. Heath is like the most murderous psychopath you've ever seen on the screen. I was waiting for Batman's guests, but (the Joker) had taken over the elevator with -- he has seven dwarfs and... oh! wait until you see them. So, I'd never seen any of it and the elevator door opened and they came out and I forgot every bloody line. They frightened the bloody life out of me .... It's amazing and it's so different from Jack."
Källa: realitytvworld.com