Halo-filmen verkar inte bli av

Neill Blomkamp, en av männen inblandade i den tilltänkta Halo-filmen (efter de populära Xbox-spelen) sänker förhoppningarna om att en film ska bli verklighet:

The film is entirely dead. In the configuration it was in. Whatever happens with that movie, assuming that movie gets made, will be a totally different configuration. It's not so much me as the entire vessel sank. Basically, it was a combination of; there were two studios involved that weren't getting along in the process of making it, Universal and Fox. That kind of stuff happens, it's a fragile industry. So the film collapsed at the end of last year, and it's been dead, ever since then. I'll be curious to see what happens.

Källa: creative-online.com

Stefan Björnlund
