Nytt om GI Joe

Nyheter på gång angående den kommande filmatiseringen av GI Joe som Stephen Sommers ska regissera. IESB.net rapporterar följande:

"The Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow story arch (god, I love Ninjas) will be a main focal point and the “soul” of the film. The villains of course are Destro, the Baroness and Cobra but we have been told that Cobra Commander will have more of a “Emperor Palpatine”-like character arch. The Joes will be mainly facing Destro and the Baroness.

Helping Cobra will be one of the coolest groups of characters from the G.I. Joe comics and cartoons…the Dreadnoks.The mercenaries known as Dreadnoks lead by Zartan including his brother and sister Zarana and Zandar will be the hired muscle that Cobra will use in its day to day operations. Zartan is known for his martial arts ability as well as his mastery of disguise. Additionally, through genetic manipulation, Zartan is able to change the color of his skin to blend in with his surroundings."

Filmen beräknas vara klar 2009.

Stefan Björnlund
