Guillermo del Toro om Frankenstein och Harry Potter

Guillermo del Toro (Pans Labyrint)är positivt inställd till att både göra en nyversion av skräckklassikern "Frankenstein" och de kommande Harry Potter-filmatiseringarna.

Då Frankenstein är ett av Toros favoritmonster skulle han mer än gärna vilja få lägga vantarna på det stela monstret. skriver följande:

"Bringing the tragic character to life was the subject of a script by famed scribe Frank Darabont back in the early ‘90’s. An amazing script, it was used by Kenneth Branagh in Mary Shelley’s Frankestein which was, as Darabont calls it, “ worst experience. Actually, the script was great, the movie was a mess. You can’t really judge the script based on what you saw on the screen. It got rephrased and messed with every inch of the way.”

This proves lucky for del Toro who on the set of Hellboy II today said that he loves that script in particular and thought he “was screwed” when it was getting made. Luckily, the film was a complete mess and didn’t accurately represent the script whatsoever and del Toro would love to take a crack at it."

Regissören hade ännu mer att säga under inspelningen av "Hellboy 2", men den här gången handlade det om Harry Potter då del Toro bekräftade att han fått erbjudande om att regissera den tredje Harry Potter-filmen. Han menar själv att han gillar böckerna men tackade nej på grund av att tonen i de två första filmerna var för glada:

“I’ve read them all and when I read the books before the movies were done, I always pictured Charles Dickens. They were very 'Dickensian'. The situation of Harry Potter reminded me a lot of Pip from ‘Great Expectations.’ I saw them as deeper, more creaky, more corroded. Then they were textured very differently when the first two movies came out. They were so bright and happy and full of light, that I wasn’t interested…They [the movies] seem to be getting eerie and darker, and I'm up to be the one who kills twenty guys. If they come back to me, I’ll think about it.”

Guillermo lär ju vara mer positivt inställd till de senare böckerna då de blir mörkare och mörkare allteftersom.


Stefan Björnlund
