Raimi utesluter inte Spider-Man 4
Regissören Sam Raimi öppnar dörren för en fjärde Spidde-rulle. Blir det han som regisserar uppföljaren så vill han ha samma skådisar. Så här sa han ordagrant:
"Right now James Vanderbilt is writing the script and I'm excited to read it. I think it's going to be done in a few months and I'm hoping that it's as great as our discussions were about it and I'm hoping it feels right for me because I love Spider-Man and I'm hoping I'm well enough rested to really embrace it. I'm also hoping that Sony wants me at that time to direct it. So if all those scenes come together I would love to do it. There's a lot of unknowns about the future."
Källa: darkhorizons.com